The Orion Party ... Personal
I love Tanita Tikaram. I went to college with her in Basingstoke. I knew she was going to make it. I feel her songs are biographical. I would love to see her again. I like Madonna also, in particular "Ray of Light" and Michael Jackson. I have a wide range of tastes from Gregorian Chant to Erasure. I listen to Erasure first thing most mornings, with Slim-Fast Hot Chocolate (not because it's slimming, because it's not really, because it's chocolate) to get my brain cell electronic interlinks and pathways open and going fast. It works. You tend to feel positive after such an experience. On a more sublime note I invigorate spiritually (and find very relaxing) on a Sunday evening with boiled eggs, bread and tea with honey in it, to Songs of Praise. I may be high tech but I am also human. I stop eating when the hymns are on, respect, and to join in with the singing.
I like stars. I like Astronomy. I love the constellation Orion (as you may have guessed). I have read The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert, it is very good. The kinds of TV I like include innovation programmes, Political programmes, Science Stuff, News and the Teletubbies. I read maps, techno-magos, journals and Private Eye for a laugh.
I come from a diverse background. I am related by a marriage to Arthur Ransome on my fathers side. William Hague looks, bar his colouring, like my grandfather I never met Hector Hague on my mothers side. My cousin Alexandra Kingston is a brilliant actress as you probably know. My mother was the first woman to be trained as a pilot in the RAF (not WRAF) since the Second World War and my Dad was a Conservative councillor for the Castle Ward in Windsor in 1977 (The Silver Jubilee Year) And my great aunty Vi (olet) used to translate The Pope into many languages for the BBC World Service in Rome as Sister Theresa.
I am an international, I think internationally. I believe in One God and I really mean it. So I am respecting of other faiths and see the good ones as one with my own and therefore there is no real difference between us.
I like the Royal Family. I think they should stay. It is good for children to feel confident about who is ruling. This makes them better democrats when they are older. They know about leadership, example and a sense of responsibility for others. It is also good for those who see politicians in a less than favourable light, which may be an accurate viewpoint. At least there is someone there to keep an eye out for these people and keep an eye on them.
I have fun. I dance. I shop. I like things that are bright and cheerful. I like plastic, it's fantastic. I am attracted to holographic wrappers and try to make a reason where reasonable to buy them. I like colours of the rainbow and all the other colours too. I love light. I use 150W light bulbs in my house to cheer me up. I wish they did eco-friendly light bulbs in brighter wattages. I wish I could easily get a solar mower. That would save a lot of time and energy.
Must switch off now as I have a lot to go on and do to make life better for everyone.