The CEAK International Education System
Degrees by Degrees
To Round off Academic And Professional Education.
This needs to be a thoroughly flexible system in order that all have total access to take part.
I have noticed that with the chunky rigid system which they currently confer latter day letter titles like Doctor, Master or Bachelor Dr. MA BSc. only those with a long stretch of absolute freedom of time can realistically take part. Additionally the titles themselves are either misleading in their accuracy of understood meaning, I am referring to the Title Doctor which could mean for one a Doctor of Philosophy PhD With Dr. in front of your name, which would be of no use to a sick person on an airplane when they ask "Is there a Doctor on Board?" Someone rambling on about Plato or Aristotle is not going to enhance anyone's life chances. And the two titles Masters, MA at the end of your name, and, Bachelor, BA or BSc at the end of your name, are male and clearly so. Female is an Addendum in the current flawed flow of the scheme of things in today's Universities. You can also note this in extra-curricular activities, which are male in style and quite forbidding to a female, offputting, and designed to be. Men grow more confident in their time there, ladies more quiet more restrained. All the hard work and respect won by women is devastated out of the water as they are straight-jacketed into some form of respectable success. I want to free them from that. Also too I'd like to free the gentlemen from being forced into very uncomfortable behaviour patterns, paternal and maternal roles shoved into industry and beyond. Really no-one is free unless they are allowed to reach their full positive potential.
Like the rest of this Education System you achieve in stages. As my mother said to me when daunted as a late adolescent by anything big "How do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time." A degree is a big thing. A computer holds loads of bits of memory in bytes. Bite size chunks are the way to go. Not the mega feast gorged all at once, unappreciated. And being able to control your studies means you can also control your finances, working first, studying as the treat it's meant to be.
I envision the whole country with many nationalities and regionalities, and all ages and stages, studying in the field, on the rockface if you are studying Geology, not a stuffy classroom, after all if you want to work in the field, go out there. Churches with their Lecterns, the Original Lecturns, used for Lectures with masses of people in the pews, congregating for Divinity, Philosophy and Politics. Drama and Dance Barns. Students going "On Tour" Getting to Grips with International Studies by travelling Internationally to the places they are being taught about, learning first hand. Serious Tourism, as people attend Seminar Sessions plus local guided tours which make life fun, and bond friendships. I have known people I've met for a fortnight, and remembered them, and lived with others for a year insignificantly. Time spent with a person does not always co-relate to build firm everlasting relationships. More opportunities to meet more people is healthy. All the exclusive institutions paid for by the people, will be able to let all the people in.
... to be continued.